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I am a researcher in Computer Vision and an engineer. I currently work as a Data Scientist at Verizon Connect and I am a PhD student at the University of Bologna. I am funded by the SMARTHEP Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network.
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Bologna (Nov 2022 - Present)
Researching on Computer Vision. Supervised by Samuele Salti (University of Bologna), Leonardo Taccari (Verizon Connect) and Francesco Sambo (Verizon Connect).
MSc in Computer Vision at the University of Vigo (Sep 2020 - Feb 2022)
IMCV, jointly imparted by three Spanish (Coruña, Santiago de Compostela and Vigo) and one Portuguese (Porto) university, taught by active researchers in the field.
BSc in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering (Sep 2016 - Sep 2020)
At the School of Industrial Engineering at UVigo, with advanced studies on automation. For my BSc thesis, I developed an application for the automatic recognition and inventory of assests in railways using convolutional neural networks, which sparked my curiosity in computer vision.
Data Scientist at Verizon Connect (Sep 2022 - Present)
Based in Florence, Italy. Research on Computer Vision applied to road scene understanding.
Research assistant at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) (May 2022 - Aug 2022)
Based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Working in the Multimedia Signal Processing lab on the AdMiRe H2020 project, super resolution and background substraction and matting for multimedia applications.
Research assistant at the University of Vigo (Sep 2021 - Feb 2022)
Based in Vigo, Galicia, Spain. Working on deploying and benchmarking state of the art multiple object tracking models on the NVidia Jetson platform (mainly Xavier AGX). Using Python, PyTorch and several computer vision libraries as main tools. Working in the InfraROB H2020 project.
Software Engineering Intern at Insitu Engineering (Apr - Jun 2020)
Based in Vigo, Galicia, Spain. Internship at a technological spin-off from the University of Vigo. Developing an application for the automatic recognition of assets from railway images in the context of a project to reduce maintenance costs in the Spanish railway systems. Development in C++, using Darknet as DL framework.